A New Definition of Insanity

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. No one likes to do the same thing over and over again if someone or something else can do it, even if it gives the same results. And since mud engineers love automation and hate repetitive calculations, PVI came up with a software package that does calculations for you. We call it MUDPRO.

Every morning mud engineers collect data on drilling rigs, fluid properties and chemical inventories, do solid analysis, volume tracking and perform hydraulics calculations. It’s tedious to do it consistently and correctly every day. In the olden days, these tasks were usually done manually on pieces of paper. As things progressed, the computer and Excel spreadsheets eased some of the burden. But there were still challenges, like how to manage the large number of spreadsheets generated every day and how to get a single end-of-well report created from all the daily spreadsheets.

Here at PVI we felt your pain and initiated a project to automate mud reporting. There was lots of excitement among our software engineers as they solved mud reporting problems for you. We even had a big pizza party after we finished it to celebrate. Maybe we’ll invite you to the next one.

The result of all that pizza is a sophisticated yet simple mud reporting software called MUDPRO. The easy-to-use software bridges the gap between rig and office, and makes data collection and information sharing a breeze with just a few clicks.

MUDPRO reports make great wall decorations.

MUDPRO reports make great wall decorations.

Right out of the box, you can start entering pertinent data into MUDPRO; it’s that easy to use. MUDPRO draws wellbore schematics, calculates the cost of materials and generates daily reports. And MUDPRO puts all your data into a database so later you can post well audits and create recap reports as soon as the well is completed without having to manually compile the data.

Personally, I hate keeping track of time and mileage because it’s just tedious. But automation makes my life simpler and less stressful. As a software developer, the geek in me is thrilled to see all that mud data tracked without mud engineers having to turn into bookkeepers. So now you can use your expertise and time more wisely using our MUDPRO software and save your insanity for the dance floor.

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